2012年5月13日 星期日


由數位時代的電子報得知在Business Insider上,Julie Bort於2012年5月7日所發表的12 Massive Changes That Will Transform The Software Industry Within 5 Years文章,頗認同他的看法,茲紀錄如下:
  1. Cloud computing changes how companies buy software.
  2. Bottoms-up marketing tactics change which software companies buy.
  3. Desktop virtualization changes how companies deliver software.
  4. Windows 8's 'Metro' interface will change how people use Windows.
  5. The move to Web apps is breaking Microsoft's monopoly
  6. Mobile computing changes where software is used
  7. App stores change how much people are willing to pay for software
  8. The death of the mouse changes the software user interface
  9. Open source changes how software is written
  10. Open source changes who controls software
  11. Big data changes what can be done with software
  12. Social media changes how software is used

  1. 許凱玲編譯,12項改變軟體產業的重大事件,數位時代,http://www.bnext.com.tw/focus/view/cid/103/id/23132
  2. J. Bort, 12 Massive Changes That Will Transform The Software Industry Within 5 Years, Business Insider, http://www.businessinsider.com/12-massive-changes-that-will-transform-the-software-industry-within-5-years-2012-5#ixzz1ufisBGur
